As we head for the summer holidays, it’s a good opportunity to look back over the last year of living with Moss our high voltage Collie dog. Now that she’s two years old, she is considered to be a young adult, I’m sure that will bring its own set of challenges, we’ll have to wait and see.
She’s a really kind, big hearted dog. She’s not without her complications, being a Border Collie in a family environment is not an easy task. Luckily, I think it suits her personality to be right at the heart of a family. She’s sensitive, she loves people, (possibly more than dogs), she’s fast, agile and loyal.
This picture brings back memories of when Captain Calm the dog trainer first came to visit us. As we sat at the kitchen table, discussing Moss’s latest behavioural issues, Moss quietly got on with a little light destruction next door out of sight.
When we discovered what Moss had been up to Harry Husband and I giggled like naughty school children, we were duly reprimanded by Captain Calm, who must have thought we were bonkers.
Today in the woods, as she trotted by my side and bombed about in the undergrowth, I felt close to her. It’s the distance between her and me that matters. She checks in of her own accord, sometimes just whizzing past me, sometimes coming right up to me for a reassuring squeeze.
In my opinion, there are few things better than the companionship of a dog. It’s the relationship between humans and dogs, in all its different forms, that really fascinates me.
Why is it so special, and why are so many of us drawn to it?
Photo: Moss in action when she was a puppy.