from Moss's point of view

It’s the Teenager’s birthday and we are celebrating. Her godmother and husband, and their small sons are staying with us for the weekend. We’re having a teenage party at home, with more family and more little ones arriving too. There’s an awful lot going on at home this weekend.
It’s tricky for Moss the collie dog.
As a dog owner, you can never really get away from the breeding. Moss’s instinct is to herd the children and nip at their heels. Luckily, the husband grew up with a pure collie and understands that Moss is not being naughty, it’s just that her instinct is to control movement by herding and nipping. Of course, it’s never okay for a dog to nip a child.
With all the comings and goings and running around, Moss and I are like cats on hot bricks!
We have to get out and walk regularly. We escape to the woods, to try and calm ourselves down and commune with each other. Obviously, it would have been far easier for Moss to be away for the weekend.
To try and manage the situation, along with the walks, Moss is being put into her crate, not as a punishment, but as management.
The birthday cake is cut and the children find a play box full of musical instruments - the noise! Whilst it’s lovely to have the mixture of ages here to celebrate with us, it must be so hard for Mossy.
I’m hoping that she will mature by coping in a situation which she finds difficult. Having a collie in the family is a bit like having a sensitive and reactive child, we seem to lurch from one obsession to the next.
A couple of days later, I feel closer to Moss, it’s as though we’ve been through a trauma together.
I guess I’d better remind myself that parties are supposed to be fun!
Photo: The Birthday cake.