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This week marks the first anniversary of publishing  I can’t believe it’s one whole year since my first ever flirtation with digital publishing.   Happy Anniversary to us all!  This week I’m considering gadgets.




On gadgets - I’m definitely not a gadget girl.  I don’t like them in my kitchen or in our home, or for Moss our dog.  I like simple tools that work well, but I’ve recently made a discovery. 


When Moss was a puppy she wasn’t a great traveller, so we got her a crate to go into the back of the car, but she can’t see out.  Recently I bought her a harness (gadget) so that she can sit on the back seat safely and see out, I thought she’d prefer to travel like that. 


She’s always been forward, so pulling on the lead has been quite an issue.   Captain Calm the dog trainer has given us several lessons on walking on the lead, despite the fact that I thought I knew how to train her myself.


Pulling on the lead is an issue for SO many of us, isn’t it?


That is until last week, when I decided to put Moss’s car harness on, just as an experiment.  Tentatively I took her out for a walk, not really expecting any change …


Boom Moss is no longer a puller.


Last night Harry Husband came home from his evening walk, as he walked in the door he said,


“It’s magic!” 

“She doesn’t even want to pull any more, she just trots along happily next to me.”


Now I’ve got one very happy husband.


Perhaps I’ll have to review my opinion on gadgets.



Image:          Little dog pulling on the lead.






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