Have you ever noticed that probably the first thing that a dog does when it gets up in the morning is have a good stretch? In Moss’s case it’s a perfect downward facing dog, followed by a dog bow - I guess it’s pretty much what all dogs do. It’s executed so perfectly that any yogi would be proud of it.
Sometimes she comes into the kitchen to do her stretches, sometimes it’s the first thing she does as she climbs off the sofa. It’s wonderful to watch her completely intuitive behaviour, often she does a big yawn as well.
I was told by a shepherd, some years ago, that the day your dog doesn’t stretch in the morning, is probably its last. I have no idea if this is true, but certainly stretching is part of the daily routine.
This morning when Mossy and I came back home from our walk, we met a group of four quite senior ladies walking and chatting together. I couldn’t resist to ask what they’d been up to.
They’d been to a Pilates class together, which I guess is the equivalent of what Moss does instinctively each morning.
So, do you need to go to the gym? No, just copy what your dog does naturally every day.
Photo: Feel the stretch.