It’s Panto week in our home town and since The Teenager is in the cast, it’s busy at home. There’s a tight schedule to meet whilst juggling work, school and normal family life. Dog walks have to be fast and purposeful.
Strolling purposefully in the woods one morning I come across a couple who have clearly lost their dog. I call across to them,
“Are you okay, have you lost your dog?”
“Yes” they say “But she’ll probably come back.”
There’s no panic in their voices. This is a big wood, popular with dog walkers, sometimes you meet people who are clearly distressed when their dog runs off, especially since a railway track runs close by. These guys are okay.
“I’ll give three blasts on my whistle if I find her.” I say.
Which, on reflection, is rather a good idea, it’s horrible to be separated from your dog.
We walk, Moss and I. Then I see a tail, very much like Moss’s, flash through the woods, it seems to be heading in the right direction so I keep quiet and assume that they will be reunited.
We walk on, sometime later we bump into the couple again, and yes, they are with their dog.
I realise that their dog is the splitting image of Moss, except she’s tan where Moss is black. Moss is unusually small for a Collie dog and has a distinctive athletic build, so does her twin. The two dogs play together. Moss is slightly more dominant, but Mushroom (since she is the colour of mushrooms) is definitely up for a game.
The dog owners are lovely, we launch into a full-on dog conversation. Suddenly I remember I’m in a bit of a rush as it’s Panto week, so I hand them a justwalkingthedog.co.uk bookmark and hope that one day they will become subscribers.
It turns out that Panto week is full of surprises.