Is it just my imagination or do dogs and their requirements become all the more essential over Christmas and the New Year? I see Moss looking expectantly at me as noon becomes the afternoon and we still haven’t been out for our morning walk. Possibly I need that walk even more than her.
And then, of course, there are the horrid days, when it’s cold and wet and windy, that’s when extraordinary things can happen …
Today as Moss and I strolled down the river, she was gambling around beside a dyke, when an oyster catcher, that was flying low along the dyke, suddenly flew out at ground level and practically collided with her.
Dog and bird face to face at speed for a split second.
Moss was not at all phased and the oyster catcher flew off in a flash – a micro second of high drama.
In the background a murmuration of starlings grab my attention, I stand alone dumfounded by the generosity of the natural world.
May 2025 bring you many moments of joy.
Image: Moss in the winter sun.