Dog behaviour, especially the relationship between dogs and humans, fascinates me. It’s as old as the hills and could be described as the original alliance. From man hunting with hounds to a woman carrying a Chihuahua in her Chanel handbag, it’s all same thing, a deep-rooted attraction and dependence.
Personally, I feel lost if I haven’t got a dog by my side, I can’t really explain why, except way down in my soul it feels right.
I’m always on the lookout for good books on the subject. Inspired by Wolf Within by Shaun Ellis, I’ve made a few adjustments to how we look after Moss.
She’s an unenthusiastic eater, I’ve never had a dog like it, I think it’s a bit of a trait in her dog family. She’s fine if there’s dog company and a bit of competition, but on her own she’s reluctant to eat.
So I’ve changed how I feed her.
Before we go out for our morning walk I get her food ready, we go out for a good walk (the hunt) and when we return I feed her (the kill). She’s far happier being fed like that, it seems to make sense to her.
I guess we’ve got a little bit of a wolf in our family.