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With nightingales


One of the best reasons for having a dog is the fact that they make us walk, all sorts of walking, in the rain, when it’s freezing cold, and of course, walking at night.  In our family it’s Harry Husband’s job to walk at night, and once in a while he comes across a real gem.


 Last night when he and Moss walked down to the river towards the woods they were blessed to come across the most vocal of nightingales.


This time of year the nightingales are back from their winter spent in Africa, and omg what a treat they are to hear.  Moss was charging about in the undergrowth having a lovely time, and happily Harry Husband thought to record the nightingale’s song on his phone.


On their return, we sat at the kitchen table listening to Harry’s recording, it was enchanting.  It reminded me of early May a few years ago when I did the night walk with Wavey, the dog we had then.  


It was exactly the same time of year, and at night, when I came across nightingales singing with all their hearts. 


As I heard the nightingales I was filled with joy.


The following evening, at about the same time, I did the same walk and I bumped into a friend of mine.  I was so excited that I took her along to exactly the same spot to listen to the nightingales.  


We stopped – we stood - we listened, not a peep, not even a single chirrup.


I wonder, if I join Harry Husband and Moss on their walk tonight, and we go to the same spot, at about the same time, will I be lucky … ?



Photo:          Harry Husband and Moss.


I’ve posted Harry Husband’s recording of the nightingales as a reel on Facebook, it’s utterly beautiful.








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